The Spit Masterplan Update

The Executive of the Chamber has been active in the ongoing consultation by State Government into the future of the Southport Spit, through former president Laird Marshall, vice president Noel Grummitt and Executive member Brett James.

The Executive of the Chamber has been active in the ongoing consultation by State Government into the future of the Southport Spit, through former president Laird Marshall, vice president Noel Grummitt and Executive member Brett James.

The process has been through 3 community workshop sessions to date and a range of pop-up display sessions around the Coast since the process started in August of 2017.

Workshop 3 was held in December to review ‘The Spit Master Plan Options Report’ released in October last year. The options report (refer provided a range of different options for the various precincts identified for the Spit and the Workshop was intended to identify the preferred options for each of the precincts.

As a result of public input provided last year to the Options Report and the December workshop, the draft master plan will be finalised and released to the public in February/ March of this year for public response and a final community workshop early in April before the Master Plan is finalised and released.

The final stage of the process will involve formulation of the legal framework to give effect to the Master Plan which is scheduled to occur by August of 2019.

The final plan will primarily restrict development to the southern portions already developed, with enhanced facilities and connections to provide the public with greater access and appreciation of the natural attributes of the Spit. The 3 storey development height for development will be locked in.

Noel Grummitt

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