Tackling the Cost-of-Living Crisis Head-On

Families across the Gold Coast have felt the grip of the cost-of-living crisis more than ever. With every expense soaring in price far beyond what families can afford, many are falling into debt just to survive. The December Quarter Consumer Price Index paints a stark picture, revealing Queenslanders are enduring the steepest increases in essential costs compared to the rest of Australia.

The cost-of-living crisis is one that we have a plan for, and we understand effective measures need to be implemented. I firmly believe that adopting the following policies will reduce cost of living pressures:

Supercharged Solar for Renter program - saving renters hundreds of dollars on their power bills.

First Home Owner stamp duty threshold increase .

Power Plant Maintenance Guarantee to ensure power plants not offline for 1000 days like Callide power plant currently is.

increasing the number of homes for Queenslanders to rent or buy.

Set targets to ensure social housing projects are delivered on time and on budget - there are now more than 40,000 people on the social housing wait list than 2015.

I am committed to real action that not only addresses the symptoms of the cost-of-living crisis but tackles its causes head-on. These policies are designed to bring immediate relief to families while laying the groundwork for a more affordable, sustainable future for all Queenslanders.

Rob Molhoek MP | State Member for Southport
Shadow Assistant Minister for Mental Health
Shadow Assistant Minister for Drug and Alcohol Treatment
Shadow Assistant Minister for Families and Seniors

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