Southport Chamber Extend offer free Annual Memberships to help local businesses navigate recession

Offer Extended - In a city first, the Southport Chamber of Commerce have launched a new initiative to help Gold Coast businesses on their road to recovery over the next 12 months.

The initiative will see annual membership fees waived for new and existing businesses who join the Southport Chamber before 30th September 2020

This initiative is open to all Gold Coast businesses, no matter what industry or size, with a focus on those trading within Southport and it’s surrounds.


Offer Extended 

Southport Chamber waives Annual Business Memberships to help local businesses navigate recession


In a city first, the Southport Chamber of Commerce have launched a new initiative to help Gold Coast businesses on their road to recovery over the next 12 months.

The initiative will see annual business membership fees waived for new and existing businesses who join the Southport Chamber before 30 September 2020.

This initiative is open to all Gold Coast businesses, no matter what industry or size, with a focus on those trading within Southport and it’s surrounds.

Accessing this free membership is quick and easy. New members can sign up via the Chamber’s website follow the online membership process to join, entering the discount code COVID-19 to unlock the 100% discount on the business membership.

Existing members of the Southport Chamber have been automatically be provided with a 1 year extension on their current membership at no cost.


We are also inviting businesses to upgrade from the Business membership category to either Gold membership or Corporate Sponsor discounted by a $150 to activate the $150.00 discount - Simply use the discount code COVID-19


Business Membership normally $150.00 per year - less COVID-19 Discount now No Charge

Gold Membership normally $600.00 per year - less COVID-19 Discount  Now only $450.00

Corporate Sponsorship normally $1500.00 per year - less COVID-19 Discount Now only $1,350.00

As the longest serving chamber in the Gold Coast, the Southport Chamber of Commerce has been supporting businesses in the Southport region for over 100 years.

The Southport Chamber of Commerce President, Ian Kennedy, said the aim of the initiative is to connect and support local business owners as they navigate the current recession and business challenges caused by COVID-19.

“There is no doubt the economic downturn is having a significant impact on almost every industry in Australia and Southport businesses are certainly feeling it too” Mr Kennedy said.

“We want to support business owners and empower the Gold Coast business community to bounce back as quickly as it can. Whether you are a retail business on Ferry Road, a hospitality business in the CBD, or a new business in the Health and Knowledge Precinct, as a Chamber we exist to support you.”

Mr Kennedy said the Chamber will continue to support businesses by lobbying council and government bodies for further grants, business resources and support packages and urges all businesses in the local area to take up these offers before 30th Sptember 2020.

Our valued corporate members

Our corporate members are highly valued for their contribution to the Southport Chamber.

Your Resourcing Group Gold Coast Business Hub

Our valued gold members

These members are highly valued for their contribution to the Southport Chamber.

Feddersen Consulting Group Experience Gold Coast Australia Fair (YFG Shopping Centres Pty Ltd) State Member for Southport White Lady Funerals Enterprise & Training Company