Queensland Parliament E-Petition 3332-20 - Urgent request for action on homelessness in Southport

Queensland residents of Southport draws to the attention of the House:

The ongoing concerns regarding homelessness in Southport CBD and surrounds.

Homeless individuals are currently falling through the cracks, particularly with current health directives, and it is of upmost importance to have this issue addressed as a matter of priority given heightened health concerns and fast approaching cooler months.


We need your help

Queensland Parliament E-Petition 3332-20 - Urgent request for action on homelessness in Southport

A petition has just been tabled in Queensland Parliament addressed to the Premier and Minister for Trade, Annastacia Palaszczuk, Minister of Housing and Public Works, Mick de Brenni, Minister for Health and Minister for Ambulance Services, Dr Steven Miles and Minister for Communities and Minister for Disability Services and Seniors, Coralee O'Rourke to take urgent and meaningful action to address the issue of homelessness and anti-social behaviour in Southport's CBD.


Queensland residents of Southport draws to the attention of the House:

The ongoing concerns regarding homelessness in Southport CBD and surrounds.


Unfortunately this continues to be a significant issue of concern and our local police and community organisations are in dire need of back up and action from our government at a state level.


It takes less than 1 minute to sign this petition and support a call for more vital services to be delivered to those who need it most in our city.

Link to open the E-Petition:https://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/work-of-assembly/petitions/petition-details?id=3332.

Please Note this E-Petition closes on 25/5/2020.

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