Presidents update for October

Most Business Members should have received their Membership Certificates by email. Please proudly display them at your premises and encourage other businesses to join the Southport Chamber.

Join other members and guests for our Special Melbourne Cup 2020 Business Breakfast at the Southport Golf Club - 3 Nov 2020 6:30 AM - 8:30 AM. Show your colours and dress up and for a bit of extra fun.


Most Business Members should have received their Membership Certificates by email. Please proudly display them at your premises and encourage other businesses to join the Southport Chamber.


Join other members and guests for our Special Melbourne Cup 2020 Business Breakfast at the Southport Golf Club - 3 Nov 2020 6:30 AM - 8:30 AM. Show your colours and dress up and for a bit of extra fun.


We invite you to enter our best, Fascinating Hats or Jaunty Ties competition.


On a more serious note, your vote counts this weekend and may impact the extent to which small business is supported by a State Government for the coming term.


CCIQ have been working hard to inform the parties about what is most important to small business.


CCIQ asked for responses from the ALP and LNP and developed an election scorecard highlighting how their policies stack-up against priorities for small business. You can find it attached to the latest article on the news section of our website. 


Also have a look at what the candidates for the Southport Electorate say here.


After the election and Melbourne Cup, keep an eye out for our AGM and Christmas Drinks coming on a date to be announced in December. 



Ian Kennedy | President

Southport Chamber of Commerce



Our valued corporate members

Our corporate members are highly valued for their contribution to the Southport Chamber.

Your Resourcing Group Gold Coast Business Hub

Our valued gold members

These members are highly valued for their contribution to the Southport Chamber.

Australia Fair (YFG Shopping Centres Pty Ltd) Enterprise & Training Company State Member for Southport White Lady Funerals Experience Gold Coast Feddersen Consulting Group