President's Report - November 2021

On the 18 November 2021, the Southport Chamber of Commerce held its annual AGM Chaired by Ian Kennedy. The Board would like to thank all members who attended the AGM in person, and those who sent proxies and apologies.

On the 18 November 2021, the Southport Chamber of Commerce held its annual AGM Chaired by Ian Kennedy. The Board would like to thank all members who attended the AGM in person, and those who sent proxies and apologies.

The Board would like to extend a vote of thanks to Ian Kennedy, who has done a commendable job at leading the Chamber over the past 3 years in the role of President.

The Board would also like to extend a vote of thanks to Laird Marshall who joined the board in 2006, and ascended to president in 2008, a role in which he acted in for 10 years. At the 2021 AGM, Laird officially retired from the Board after 15 years of service. We thank him for that significant contribution and look forward to welcoming him to future events as a life member of the Chamber.

With that, it is our pleasure to introduce you to the new Southport Chamber of Commerce Executive Board for the 2021 / 2022 financial year, representing a growing membership base of 260 businesses in Southport and its surrounds.

Please join us in welcoming the Southport Chamber of Commerce Executive Board.

  • Ariana Margetts of CoSpaces - President
  • Lorraine Lovatt of Maylake - Vice President for Memberships
  • Ian Kennedy of McLaughlins Lawyers - Vice President for Advocacy
  • Jenny Crewes of White Lady Funerals - Vice President for Events
  • Trevor Bruger of FishI Advisory - Treasurer
  • Samuel Rees of IP Partnership - Secretary
  • Allan Goodbee of GFA Strategic Accountants - Executive Board Member
  • Matthew Williams of MKW Legal - Executive Board Member
  • David Wilcox of Urbis - Executive Board Member
  • Katie Bond of VMA Promotional Products - Executive Board Member

With 260 current members, the Southport Chamber of Commerce has never been stronger, or more relevant. Unfortunately, CCIQ data is still showing the Gold Coast region as one of the lowest in the state for business confidence, and we know from talking with local business owners that Gold Coast’s economic recovery is far from over.

The past 18 months in particular have been a rollercoaster for both employers and employees navigating an ever-changing business landscape, and we want to acknowledge that and commend local business owners for their patience, adaptability and persistence.

Looking forward, the Chamber’s long-term vision for Southport is to work alongside business and all three levels of government to help create a vibrant, urban central business and living district worthy of one of the fastest growing cities in Australia. As the oldest and longest standing chamber on the Gold Coast, I’m pleased to have the opportunity to deliver on our Chamber's renewed strategy that will focus on three strategic pillars: to inform, connect and advocate.

We seek to deliver on these strategic aims by keeping Chamber members informed and up to date with local activities and community issues, connecting members by offering a variety of networking nights, breakfasts and lunches with guest speakers, and working with all levels of government to act as a voice for the Southport community and advocate for local issues that are relevant to our region.

If you have any concerns with what is happening in your area of Southport or questions about how the Chamber can be of service to you, please feel free to contact any of our Board members using details listed here:

On behalf of the Southport Chamber of Commerce Board, we wish you a wonderful and safe holiday break and look forward to welcoming you at our first event of 2022 to be announced in the New Year.

Ariana Margetts
President - Southport Chamber of Commerce

Our valued corporate members

Our corporate members are highly valued for their contribution to the Southport Chamber.

Your Resourcing Group Gold Coast Business Hub

Our valued gold members

These members are highly valued for their contribution to the Southport Chamber.

Enterprise & Training Company State Member for Southport Experience Gold Coast Feddersen Consulting Group Australia Fair (YFG Shopping Centres Pty Ltd) White Lady Funerals