City's First Public Ferry Trial

The City of Gold Coast, together with local business Ferry I, are proud to launch the city’s first public ferry service called Hopo.

From 8 December 2019, residents and visitors will be able to get around the city via our beautiful waterways on the Hopo ferries.

With a Ferry Stop at the Broadwater Parklands at Southport

Launch of our SCOC New Website and Social Media Platforms

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new website which provides you, the member, with a lot of great functions as well as the launch and update our all our Social Media Platforms of LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

Our valued corporate members

Our corporate members are highly valued for their contribution to the Southport Chamber.

Gold Coast Business Hub Your Resourcing Group

Our valued gold members

These members are highly valued for their contribution to the Southport Chamber.

State Member for Southport Experience Gold Coast White Lady Funerals Australia Fair (YFG Shopping Centres Pty Ltd) Enterprise & Training Company Feddersen Consulting Group