Exciting Opportunity for Young Leaders!

I am thrilled to share the recent success of our last Young Leaders Program event, featuring David Crisafulli MP, Leader of the Opposition, as our special guest! The event left a lasting impact on our young leaders, who were inspired by David's insights on leadership and making a positive difference in our community.

I am thrilled to share the recent success of our last Young Leaders Program event, featuring David Crisafulli MP, Leader of the Opposition, as our special guest! The event left a lasting impact on our young leaders, who were inspired by David's insights on leadership and making a positive difference in our community.

Investing in our youth is vital for a brighter future. That's why my Young Leaders Program is designed to nurture their skills, provide growth opportunities, and empower them to thrive as future leaders.

Interested in joining? Contact my office at 07 5600 1100 or email Southport@parliament.qld.gov.au for application details.

Thank you to everyone who attended! I am excited to witness our young leaders' growth as they shape a better tomorrow!

Yours sincerely,



Rob Molhoek MP | State Member for Southport
Shadow Assistant Minister for Mental Health
Shadow Assistant Minister for Drug and Alcohol Treatment
Shadow Assistant Minister for Families and Seniors

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