Donation of Raffle Prize

As a member of the Southport Chamber of Commerce you have the opportunity to donate a raffle prize for the event, we are currently putting together our list of Prizes and donors and ask for kind donation.

As a member of the Southport Chamber of Commerce you have the opportunity to donate a raffle prize for the Southport Chamber Breakfast event, being held on Friday May 27th at the Southport Golf Club. We are currently putting together our list of prizes and donors, and hope you are interested in contributing a prize of goods or services from your business. We will be offering the donations as prizes for the raffle from the first ten members who respond.

As the Southport Chamber of Commerce is a not for profit organisation, your donation helps us cover our costs and allows us to continue offering local businesses, membership to the Chamber on a complimentary basis . Members who donate prizes for the raffle will be included in the acknowledgements at the breakfast and will be given a thank you in our next newsletter - another opportunity for your business to be promoted.

Please send the details of your kind donation by email to

Looking forward to seeing you at the Breakfast on May 27th.

Our valued corporate members

Our corporate members are highly valued for their contribution to the Southport Chamber.

Gold Coast Business Hub Your Resourcing Group

Our valued gold members

These members are highly valued for their contribution to the Southport Chamber.

Australia Fair (YFG Shopping Centres Pty Ltd) Experience Gold Coast Feddersen Consulting Group Enterprise & Training Company White Lady Funerals State Member for Southport