Cr Brooke Patterson Division 6 -May update Report

The Council Pop-Up activation on the corner of Nerang and Scarborough streets has been well received by residents and business owners. For this first week of June, Council set up with Police to engage on issues. Our first priority was simply to reclaim that space. Second, to engage with CBD locals on what is important to them. People clearly appreciated the opportunity.


may Report 

The Council Pop-Up activation on the corner of Nerang and Scarborough streets has been well received by residents and business owners. For this first week of June, Council set up with Police to engage on issues. Our first priority was simply to reclaim that space. Second, to engage with CBD locals on what is important to them. People clearly appreciated the opportunity.


One frustration I have currently have, which is no doubt shared, is the City’s limited ability to address the increasing youth problem on our streets. Our City public space liaison officers are not legally allowed to even engage with under 18s which means all we can do is refer identified youths to Youth Justice. I raised this at the Mayoral Safer Suburbs Forum last week and the response from the Youth Justice representative made me realise there is a missing gap in terms of getting these kids off the streets.


The new Gold Coast District Police Superintendent, Rhys Wildman is now on the case with me, and along with Study Gold Coast, we are calling on the Department of Education to play its part to make sure these kids spend their days in school, and not on our streets.


Thank you to the Chamber hosting its regular Southport Community Consultative Meeting in May – a most robust conversation as always, with very promising news from Southport Officer in Charge, Chris Smith on QPS’ promised increased staff allocation for the Southport Police Station.


In other news, Council is currently working on a new Parking for CBD strategy to ensure our parking rules align with our intent for the area.



For more information on this and all things else Division 6, please connect on:


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Cr Brooke Patterson

Your Councillor for Division 6





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