Cr Brooke Patterson Division 6 - January update Report


CBD Update - With the safety of our CBD now a consistent focus, and the Priority Development Area review underway, attention is now on my ‘Stage 3’ priority. This is the CBD commitment from the three tiers of government. Key recommendations will be presented to Council in the second half of this year regarding the local government commitment.


Southport Update Report

Greening Division 6


I’m told by our City tree planting department, that I’ve taken out the title as the Councillor with the greatest ever financial commitment to tree-lining streets. Almost 500 substantial trees will be planted in residential streets in coming months. I’m quite sure in coming years, I will reflect on this as one of my favourite and most valued allocations.


CBD Update


With the safety of our CBD now a consistent focus, and the Priority Development Area review underway, attention is now on my ‘Stage 3’ priority. This is the CBD commitment from the three tiers of government. Key recommendations will be presented to Council in the second half of this year regarding the local government commitment.


Today, with the CBD working Group, which includes the City of Gold Coast CEO and Director of Planning, I progressed the next step to see the Council Chambers move to Southport. For perspective, and given what needs to be done, if this commitment is signed off and actioned by the end of my term, it would be a great outcome.


The future of Southport and Surfers Paradise will be key to the City’s impending Economic Development and Cultural Strategy reviews - more on that later in the year.


On my commitment to making our CBD ‘highly walkable’, I’ve been working with our designers to identify what we can go do in the streets to add shade and interest. The number of underground assets/ pipes (etc) limits opportunity to plant large scale trees, but the team is working creatively to come up with other solutions.


As always, if you have any concerns, or you want to catch up, please contact the office on 5581 6280.



Connecting our Community 




Cr Brooke Patterson

Your Councillor for Division 6





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Your Resourcing Group Gold Coast Business Hub

Our valued gold members

These members are highly valued for their contribution to the Southport Chamber.

Enterprise & Training Company Feddersen Consulting Group State Member for Southport White Lady Funerals Australia Fair (YFG Shopping Centres Pty Ltd) Experience Gold Coast