
Keep up with latest

Stay informed and up to date with member activity, local events and relevant business issues via our e-newsetters.


Business webinar: Stay Secure, Stay Ahead: Is your website protected?

Understanding the new employment landscape

Business owners and HR professionals, tickets are selling fast for our Workplace Relations Conference: Understanding the new employment landscape.

Helping all Queenslanders get 'Back to Work

The 'Back to Work' program provides financial and non-financial support to Queensland employers and jobseekers facing disadvantage. Employers have access to two support payments:

Get what you need to succeed at the Growing Queensland Business Roadshow Webinar

Great news! We are hosting a webinar in February 2024 for those businesses who missed our in-person 2023 Growing Queensland Business Roadshow.

Free Webinar for Businesses in Gold Coast, Logan and Scenic Rim

Free, practical information to support your business recovery

Update from Rob Molhoek MP MAICD

I am thrilled to share with you an amazing initiative that has been doing incredible work in our local community - Little Grubbs. I am so happy that we have this organisation in Southport that provides essential support to children and families impacted by neuro-developmental conditions, disabilities, special needs, and challenging behavioural issues.

Building Better Regions Fund Round 6 - Now Open

Applications are now open for Round 6 of the Federal Government’s Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF), paving the way for new projects that regional communities deserve to be funded and delivered.

onPlatinum Charity Golf Day

onPlatinum Charity Golf Day in support of RACQ LifeFlight Rescue to be held on the 11th June 2021 The Club @ Parkwood Village Registration: 10:30am | Tee Off: 12:00pm with Presentations and food to follow.

Recovery Gold Coast - Business and Jobs Expo

The 2020 Business Expo is back and you can book your attendance tickets now on-line * Meet local business owners for sales leads * Connect with Confidence - Covid 19 Safe * Attend 13 business + jobs workshops * Support local Gold Coast business - we need you

Our valued corporate members

Our corporate members are highly valued for their contribution to the Southport Chamber.

Your Resourcing Group Gold Coast Business Hub

Our valued gold members

These members are highly valued for their contribution to the Southport Chamber.

Experience Gold Coast Enterprise & Training Company Feddersen Consulting Group Australia Fair (YFG Shopping Centres Pty Ltd) White Lady Funerals State Member for Southport