COVID-19 RDA Gold Coast Business Impact and Information Survey
RDA Gold Coast has released the findings from its COVID-19 Business Impact and Information Survey.
This study was undertaken to gain real time insights on the impact of COVID-19 on Gold Coast businesses, how businesses are reacting to government support packages, their current situation, and future projections.
Institute for Glycomics researchers tackle COVID-19
Four teams of expert scientists from Griffith University’s Institute for Glycomics are targeting the virus SARS-CoV-2 to discover new vaccines and drugs to prevent or cure COVID-19.
The teams are led by the Institute’s group leaders Professor Mark von Itzstein AO, Professor Michael Good AO, Professor Michael Jennings, and Professor Johnson Mak, all world-renowned research scientists in their various fields of infectious diseases research.
It’s time to get serious and ease restrictions
• Small business revenues could collapse by up to $27 billion during the June quarter as a consequence of COVID-19 restrictions
• $13 billion of revenues were lost in of Queensland during the March quarter according to the ABS
• Time to act now and not wait for specific dates
Queensland businesses need to start operating fully and it needs to happen now said the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland (CCIQ).
Southport Chamber waives Annual Memberships to help local businesses navigate recession
In a city first, the Southport Chamber of Commerce have launched a new initiative to help Gold Coast businesses on their road to recovery over the next 12 months.
The initiative will see annual membership fees waived for new and existing businesses who join the Southport Chamber before July 30, 2020.
This initiative is open to all businesses, no matter what industry or size, with a focus on those trading within Southport and it’s surrounds.
Small Biz Training
he Queensland Government have just launched free online training for small businesses and employees impacted by COVID-19 as part of their plan to unite and recover for Queensland jobs.
More than 400 free training courses will be available to Queenslanders through two portals.
The Queensland Small Business Skills Hub will have courses across four topic areas:
Presidents Report May 2020
President’s Report
The Chamber is the principal petitioner of a petition sponsored by Rob Molhoek to parliament to act on the homelessness issue in Southport.
The Southport Community Consultative Committee, chaired by the Chamber, has been meeting monthly and bringing homelessness to the urgent attention of the Police and Council.
Q&A with Cr Brooke Patterson
Ian Kennedy our Chamber President recently had the opportunity to have a Q&A with Cr Brooke Patterson our newly elected Councillor for Division 6
You spoke to a lot of residents and businesses during your campaign and since. What were the major one or two issues raised by them?
The Roadmap back to Business
The Queensland Governments Roadmap to Easing Restrictions
From the desk of the QLD Government
"Our strong health response to COVID-19 means we’re well positioned for recovery" We are planning ahead with our roadmap to easing restrictions, as well as supporting business, industry and Queensland jobs.
A brief look at the Funeral Industry on the Gold Coast During COVID-19
Jenny from White Lady Funerals Southport guides us through the the difficult changes needed during this time of COVID-19
Like so many other businesses, we have adjust to changes in our work conditions and the services we can provide to people at the time of a death in the family.
From comforting families, social distancing, limiting numbers and new technologies.
Queensland Parliament E-Petition 3332-20 - Urgent request for action on homelessness in Southport
Queensland residents of Southport draws to the attention of the House:
The ongoing concerns regarding homelessness in Southport CBD and surrounds.
Homeless individuals are currently falling through the cracks, particularly with current health directives, and it is of upmost importance to have this issue addressed as a matter of priority given heightened health concerns and fast approaching cooler months.
Business Help Finder - Have you been affected by COVID-19?
Business Help Finder - Is your business affected by Covid19?
To support the Chamber, Angie Bell MP Federal Member for Moncrieff has created an easy to navigate tool which provides answers to those important questions to assist your organisation during this time.
COVIDSafe app
An update from Australian Government Department of Health
We have all been doing a great job - playing our part to help flatten the curve and stop the spread of coronavirus. The new COVIDSafe app will help us take the next step, and keep our friends, family and community safe.
The appointment Queensland’s first small business commissioner
The Southport Chamber fully supports this initiative by the QLD Government. Ensuring that landlord and tenants can reach equitable agreements will be key to the post-COVID recovery, getting all small businesses trading again as quickly as possible. We will continue to track the establishment of the commission and provide updates and assistance where we can.
(COVID-19) impacts on the Broadwater Parklands
The Broadwater Parklands remains open with visitors encouraged to take recommended health and social distancing precautions while exercising. The rockpools, bouncy pillows, BBQ’s, outdoor gym equipment and aquapark are closed. The Fish Shak and Café Rockpool are open for take away only.
JobKeeper and Government Assistance for Employers
The Government has announced a $130 billion JobKeeper payment to help keep more Australians in jobs and support businesses affected by the significant economic impact caused by the Coronavirus.
All per our previous email, all levels of the government within Australia have released a number of packages to assist you as businesses in this unprecedented time.
However, it is likely these packages will change over the next few days and months.
Australian Government Announcements and Assistance
With both our State and Federal Governments releasing some support packages to help. Whilst, we have been seeing these released within the media, I thought it is important to share with you an email that I have received in which summarises the support packages and important facts of what is available.
Presidents Update
These are unprecedented times for all of us. Small and medium businesses on the Gold Coast will be some of the hardest hit by the flow down effects of dealing with the pandemic and the resulting economic consequences.
COVID-19 Infection Control on-Line Training by the Health Department Department
This is a no charge COVID-19 infection control training
This 30-minute online training module is not just for health care workers in all settings. It covers the fundamentals of infection prevention and control for COVID-19.
The Gold Coast Votes on Saturday the 28th March 2020
Gold Coast City Council elections gives you the opportunity to help choose your candidate for your Gold Coast - Don't forget voting is compulsory
Corona Virus ( COVID-19) Information for Employers
An update on the Corona Virus (COVID-19) Be Alert Not Alarmed
The health, safety and well-being of our members their staff and clients is a priority to us here at the Southport Chamber of Commerce.
The Southport Community Consultative Committee
The Southport Chamber of Commerce now administer and continue to Chair the meetings and they will now be held at the Boardroom at Gold Coast Business Hub, Scarborough Street, Southport also being the location of the Chambers office.
Social Media - Like Follow and Share Welcome to our Social Media Platforms
Keep up to date with your local Southport Chamber of Commerce and we invite you to Like, Follow and Share
Our new member focused website provides you, the member, with a lot of great functions as well as the launch and update our all our Social Media Platforms of LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.
Advocacy Alert: Coronavirus - Immediate Industry Recovery Package for Qld Businesses
“Your President Ian Kennedy was recently interviewed by Seven Gold Coast News about the impact on local businesses of Coronavirus and he added the Southport Chamber of Commerce’s voice to calls for the Queensland State Government to implement an Emergency Relief Package for business.
City's First Public Ferry Trial
The City of Gold Coast, together with local business Ferry I, are proud to launch the city’s first public ferry service called Hopo.
From 8 December 2019, residents and visitors will be able to get around the city via our beautiful waterways on the Hopo ferries.
With a Ferry Stop at the Broadwater Parklands at Southport
Launch of our SCOC New Website and Social Media Platforms
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new website which provides you, the member, with a lot of great functions as well as the launch and update our all our Social Media Platforms of LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.
Presidents Report
2019 Annual General Meeting
Southport Chamber of Commerce & Industry Inc .
Presidents Annual Report
This is the end of my first year as President. It has been a year of quite significant change for the Chamber.
Notice: 2019 Annual General Meeting
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2019 and Call for Nominations.
You are hereby notified that the 2019 Annual General Meeting of the Southport Chamber of Commerce & Industry will be held on Friday 13 September at 5.00 pm.
Presidents Update: By Ian Kennedy
Southport Chamber of Commerce (SCOC) has a new President - Ian Kennedy.
Is the Southport Chamber of Commerce Moving?
Update on the planned merger of Southport Chamber of Commerce with Surfers Paradise Chamber of Commerce.