Rob Molhoek MP - Keeping our Community Safe - May Update Report
Our personal safety, and the safety of our community, is important to all of us. I have had contact from many locals recently concerned about escalating crime in our local area, and right across the Gold Coast for that matter. We need your help, as the business community of Southport, to convince the Palaszczuk Labor Government to listen to and act on our community’s concerns.
Southport Yacht Club to host new superyacht berthing simulations
The next generation of superyachts of up to 130 metres will be one step closer to berthing at the Southport Yacht Club thanks to advanced simulation technology
Presidents update for April 2021
Following on from recent advocacy from your Chamber the Council of the City of Gold Coast announced a significant proposal for the Courts Precinct in Southport which will be a key driver of the Southport CBD.
Cr Brooke Patterson Division 6 - April update Report
Please know the Mayor and I are working together to realise the transformation of the CBD. Mayor Tate last week pledged to fight for a Supreme Court – and Federal Court – for the city, given huge delays being reported in the justice system.
Rob Molhoek MP - 2032 ‘Queensland’ bid - April Update Report
There has been a lot of conjecture recently about the Queensland bid for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games. First, let me start by saying I am a supporter of the bid. It makes sense! The 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games will give all Queenslanders something to look forward to in an otherwise challenging climate amid this pandemic. Just as importantly, it provides a platform to supercharge our infrastructure programs, reaffirms our place on the International Stage, brings all us Aussie
Major announcement for Southport CBD
Following on from recent advocacy from your Chamber the Council of the City of Gold Coast is announcing a significant proposal for the Courts Precinct in Southport which will be a key driver of the Southport CBD.
Southport Business Alliance Corporate Breakfast Wednesday, 2 June 2021
Study Gold Coast are proud to have partnered with Southport State High School and Southport Sharks to support disadvantaged students on the Gold Coast. This event will be fun, engaging and interactive and attendees will have an opportunity to win some amazing prizes.
All profits from your tickets will support disadvantaged students so they can access support, buy essentials and play sport.
2021 Gold Coast Business and Jobs Expo – 24 June 2021
The one stop shop for business networking, selling, buying products and services, business workshops - the biggest local business event for the Gold Coast and surrounding areas. This is the 7th business expo on the Gold Coast and we look forward to seeing you there:
Ask about our FREE EXPO STANDS so you can be more visible and sell your products and services. Grab an exhibitor pack to find out how.
Presidents update for March 2021
It is hard to believe that it is nearly a year since the Gold Coast faced any direct Covid restrictions other than the impacts of domestic and international border closures. At the time of writing we have been on the periphery of the Greater Brisbane lockdown with some restrictions including mask wearing.
Rob Molhoek MP - We need to get serious about Housing - March Update Report
Recently I gave my Address in Reply speech in the QLD Parliament. The Address in Reply is the formal acknowledgement by the House to the Governor-General for the speech given at the opening of Parliament. It was only appropriate for me to thank those who supported me at the 2020 state election and outline my plans for this term of Parliament. This is an abridged version of that speech and the items covered.
Cr Brooke Patterson Division 6 - March update Report
I welcome new City of Gold Coast (Council) Chief Executive Officer David Edwards. Previously a senior bureaucrat in the Queensland Government, David brings to the role considerable experience in managing major projects – business know-how that will prove instrumental in helping to transform the Southport CBD back to its former yesteryear glory.
2021 Gold Coast Business and Jobs Expo – 24 June 2021
Southport Chamber of Commerce - A Proud Sponsor for the 2021 Gold Coast Expo - Do you need more local customers – this year we are opening the expo up to businesses as well as consumers.
Ask about our FREE EXPO STANDS so you can be more visible and sell your products and services. Grab an exhibitor pack to find out how.
Document Solutions Celebrate 20 Years of Service
It is refreshing to experience meaningful service and be able to trust as a client that you will be taken care of in every situation. This is Document Solutions’ secret to success – and we’re celebrating 20 years of it!
2021 Gold Coast Careers Festival
Study Gold Coast are excited to announce that the 2021 Gold Coast Careers Festival is being held on Thursday to Saturday, 6-8 May 2021 at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, Broadbeach. The Gold Coast Careers Festival will attract over 10,000 high school students, job seekers, parents and career changers.
Small Business Financial Counselling Program
The primary role of the Small Business Financial Counselling Program is to provide assistance to Small Businesses who are experiencing hardship associated with the impacts of COVID-19, and have no alternative source of impartial support. The Australian and Queensland Governments provide funding to deliver the program throughout Southern Queensland.
Presidents update for February 2021
A delicious breakfast was enjoyed by our members at Catalinas on the beautiful Southport Broadwater on 9 February. Former Queensland Law Society President, and long term Southport Law practice owner, Bill Potts, gave an entertaining and informative speech about the need for a more complete Courts Complex in Southport, befitting of a city the size of the Gold Coast.
Cr Brooke Patterson Division 6 - February update Report
DIVISION 6 TOWN HALL MEETING You are welcome to my Town Hall meeting at the Southport Community Centre on the 10th March. You will receive an update on the behind-the-scenes work happening to transform our CBD.
Pulse Results are In December Quarter 2020
The latest Pulse Survey of Business Conditions, a quarterly survey conducted to give a snapshot of business conditions in Queensland, found that while the momentum of recovery continued, the economy is stalled due to ongoing restrictions
Corporate Member - Study Gold Coast Kickstart Graduate Program
Kickstart Graduate Program - Do you have employees who have finished their studies in the last couple of years? If so, you might be interested in Study Gold Coast’s fully funded training program for recent graduates; their Kickstart Graduate Program is designed specifically to provide graduates with practical workplace skills to build their effectiveness in their organisation.
Corporate Sponsor - McLaughlins Lawyers Members Special Offer
McLaughlins Lawyers have provided legal services to Gold Coast businesses and people for over 63 years and are a proud Corporate Sponsor of the Southport Chamber of Commerce. For a limited time only – member businesses of the Southport Chamber, or staff of a member business, are entitled to the following special offer.
Rob Molhoek MP - We need to get serious about Housing - February Update Report
WE NEED TO GET SERIOUS ABOUT HOUSING - In January I reported that close to 26,397 applications are still on the social housing wait list, including 16,270 considered of ‘critical need’. This waitlist also includes more than 2,700 families from the Gold Coast.
Thank you for your generous donations to our February Raffles
We thank our Southport Chamber of Commerce Members and Sponsors for their kind donations to our 9th February Raffle at our Early morning business breakfast held at Catalina Cafe - Broadwater Parklands
Presidents update for January 2021
Your board had its first meeting of the year and we have a strong team of 10 continuing board members all with varying experience in business in and around Southport. We have set goals for this year including continuing to grow our member base, holding a range of events for the enjoyment and education of our members, providing our members with support and information as small business navigates its way through the impacts of this pandemic
Cr Brooke Patterson Division 6 - January update Report
CBD Update - With the safety of our CBD now a consistent focus, and the Priority Development Area review underway, attention is now on my ‘Stage 3’ priority. This is the CBD commitment from the three tiers of government. Key recommendations will be presented to Council in the second half of this year regarding the local government commitment.
Rob Molhoek MP - Stop "Southport Bashing" January Update Report
Stop "Southport Bashing" Homelessness is a universal issue and city-wide challenge. Local Police, Council and community support organisations have made a huge impact these past few months in cleaning up our Southport CBD. Vacant Shopfronts can be found the length and breadth of our city. Retail has changed and Council needs to stop being so quick to approve new retail development.
Gold Coast December Quarter Pulse Survey
The CCIQ Pulse Survey of business conditions for the December 2020 quarter is now open. We need your feedback about what's impacting your business today, and what will influence your decision-making over the next three months.
Presidents update for December
Our AGM was held on Wednesday 2 December at 5 pm at Southport Yacht Club. A big thank you to all the Board of Management who continued to work with the Chamber during this difficult year. There were 12 of us this year and from this AGM the Board is limited to 10. Liam Campbell and Ramon Otten are not re-nominating due to other commitments and we wish them well.
Qld Government Free Online training for small business
Online training for small business. If your business has been impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, you can access free online training tailored to small business. The online training is currently being delivered by 15 providers, in partnership with the Queensland Government, to support you and your employees recover from COVID-19 and enable future growth.
A warm welcome and thank you to the Newest Gold Member of the Southport Chamber of Commerce - SEWROO
We welcome and thank SEWROO our newest Southport Chamber of Commerce GOLD Member
SEWROO are Providers of quality Australian made Laundry Products including Australia’s finest Ironing Board Cover, Peg Bags, Dolly Bags and the popular Miracle Brush.
Thank you for your generous donations
We thank our Southport Chamber of Commerce Members and Sponsors for their kind donations to our December Raffle at our Christmas Cheer drink and Business After Dark held at the Southport Yacht Club on the 3rd December.
Corporate Sponsor - Study Gold Coast Launches New Platform
Study Gold Coast has launched a brand new platform designed to connect Gold Coast students and graduates to employment opportunities: Gold Coast Student Jobs. This online portal provides a platform for students and graduates to connect with businesses and industry for employment opportunities, work experience placements and internships. T
Presidents update for November
Our AGM is being held on Wednesday 2 December at 5 pm at Southport Yacht Club. Come along and have your say. There are positions available on the Board and nominations will be taken from the floor from eligible members, meaning you have been a member for at least 9 months prior to the AGM.
Gold Members ETC - Now's the time to hire your Christmas Casuals
One of our Gold Members – ETC – has a great opportunity for local businesses to help with your recruitment needs leading up to Christmas. ETC can help screen, interview and reference check staff, at NO COST to you.
Cr Brooke Patterson Division 6 - November update Report
It has been a privilege to be at your service – here is a wrap up of what we have done in the CBD so far. After working closely with the Police and Department of Housing we have made great strides getting to the root of social issues in key hot spots across our CBD. Council now leads the charge on homelessness and public housing matters.
Presidents update for October
Most Business Members should have received their Membership Certificates by email. Please proudly display them at your premises and encourage other businesses to join the Southport Chamber.
Join other members and guests for our Special Melbourne Cup 2020 Business Breakfast at the Southport Golf Club - 3 Nov 2020 6:30 AM - 8:30 AM. Show your colours and dress up and for a bit of extra fun.
Cr Brooke Patterson Division 6 -October update Report
We are now at Stage 3 for the Southport CBD. First stage was ‘Clean and Safe CBD’. Over the past five months our disciplined effort has led to sustainable results in reducing homelessness and anti-social behaviour. I am grateful to the police and the Department of Housing for partnering with us on this. I am pleased with what we have achieved to date and you have my word to maintain focus on this fundamental matter for our CBD.
CCIQ advocacy update- Is small business a big deal to the major parties?
CCIQ advocacy update- Is small business a big deal to the major parties? As we’ve mentioned, before the 2020 election campaign we wrote to all candidates asking how they’ll commit to our election priorities.
Pulse Results are In
The latest Suncorp-CCIQ Pulse Survey of Business Conditions, a quarterly survey conducted to give a snapshot of business conditions in Queensland, found that while the momentum of recovery continued, the economy is stalled due to ongoing restrictions
Meet the Candidates Southport - Rob Molhoek MP
Elected in 2012, Rob is the current State Member for Southport and the Chief Opposition Whip in the Queensland Parliament. Born in Southport, Rob grew up here, went to school in Southport and has raised his family here. As a father of four grown-up sons he understands only too well the challenges families face.
Meet the Candidates Southport - Susie Gallagher
Susie and her family have lived, studied, built businesses and have been an integral part of the Southport community all their lives. Her father, the legendary Peter Gallagher, captained the Kangaroos Rugby League team and was an esteemed member of the local community being (among other things) a driving force behind the Magic Millions Racing Carnival and serving as the Chairman until his death and the Vice-Chairman for 10 years prior to that at the Gold Coast Turf Club.
The Qld State Election campaign in full swing
There’s been a lot of talk lately about small businesses and its importance to communities and the economy, but now with the election weeks away, all political parties need to show how they plan to back your success. We’ve developed our 2020 Election Priorities focusing on the vital support you need now, but also on what needs to be invested in to generate and sustain businesses into the future.
Presidents update for September
We are pleased to confirm that our member numbers now exceed 180 businesses across Southport and the Gold Coast. We had a well attended and Covid safe Spring Business After Dark at our Corporate Sponsor the Southport Yacht Club on Thursday 24 September.
Corporate Sponsor Gold Coast Business Hub has expanded !
Exciting news Our Southport Gold Coast Business Hub has expanded . . .. . . . and now includes GCBizHub Flexible Offices. Our selection of 7 new, fully serviced offices can accommodate 1 person, 2 people or up to 4 people in one of the larger offices. This expansion has meant that we currently have 14 offices in our letting portfolio. Rates, sizes and availability of the offices is all detailed online at
Gold Coast September Quarter Pulse Survey
The CCIQ Suncorp Pulse Survey of Gold Coast business conditions for the September 2020 quarter is now open. We need your feedback about what's impacting your business today, and what will influence your decision-making over the next three months.
IR Alert - Wage Underpayment Punishable By Jail Time
CCIQ Update - In the last sitting before the election, the Palaszczuk Government yesterday passed legislation making it a criminal offence for employers to knowingly underpay their staff. Directors and business owners can face jail time.
Today the Treasurer delivered the Mid-year Economic Review
Today’s Mid-Year Economic Financial Review contains tangible support for small business said the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland (CCIQ). The COVID-19 Fiscal and Economic Review provides an update on Queensland’s economic and fiscal estimates over 2019-20 and 2020-21 that incorporate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic to date. The report also outlines the Queensland Government’s economic strategy that builds on the Unite and Recover:
Presidents update for August
We are pleased to announce that our membership numbers now exceed 170 members and we have strong support from Gold Members and our Corporate Sponsors.
Don't forget to go to the member directory on our website and ensure your business profile is up to date and complete. Check out who your fellow members are and support them. You will see the Gold members and Corporate sponsors scrolling at the bottom of the website.
Cr Brooke Patterson Division 6 - August update Report
This week Council made an important decision regarding the City Plan and proposed amendments.
As many of you will know, the State Government is ultimately responsible for approving the adoption of our City Plan. Many of you will also be aware of the upcoming State election on 31 October.
Southport Chamber Extend offer free Annual Memberships to Gold Coast Based Businesses
Offer Extended - In a city first, the Southport Chamber of Commerce have launched a new initiative to help Gold Coast businesses on their road to recovery over the next 12 months.
The initiative will see annual membership fees waived for new and existing Gold Coast businesses who join the Southport Chamber before 30th September 2020
This initiative is open to all Gold Coast businesses, no matter what industry or size, with a focus on those trading within Southport and it’s surrounds.
Part Funded Expo Stands – Business and Jobs Expo
Our “Road to Recovery” Business and Jobs Expo will help businesses recover as well as provide pathways for people who need to redirect into new training and employment opportunities.
It is exciting to see that the Gold Coast Business and Jobs Expo will connect 200 exhibitors to 2000 local business professionals.
Gold Coast – 15 October, Carrara Indoor Sports Stadium, 10am to 4pm.
Treasury’s announcement on 21 July 2020 for JobKeeper 2.0
For millions of Australians and businesses large and small, the Government’s JobKeeper 2.0 is bigger than the annual Federal Budget. The nation’s strong balance sheet is literally propping up livelihoods and keeping businesses open. So what now?
Government’s Energy Efficient Communities program - Grants and Programs
Small businesses across Moncrieff can now apply for a grant that will support them to make their energy use more efficient and to reduce their power bills through the Government’s Energy Efficient Communities program.
Presidents Report and Welcome
To all new members including Business Members, Gold Members and Corporate Sponsors.
We thank you for joining the oldest Chamber on the Gold Coast and the Chamber for the official CBD of the Gold Coast.
Cr Brooke Patterson Division 6 - July update Report
I am pleased to inform you that Council unanimously voted in favour of my request for a proper, formalised approach to homelessness.
Southport Chamber Extend offer free Annual Memberships to help local businesses navigate recession
Offer Extended - In a city first, the Southport Chamber of Commerce have launched a new initiative to help Gold Coast businesses on their road to recovery over the next 12 months.
The initiative will see annual membership fees waived for new and existing businesses who join the Southport Chamber before 30th September 2020
This initiative is open to all Gold Coast businesses, no matter what industry or size, with a focus on those trading within Southport and it’s surrounds.
Qld Small Business Skills Hub and the Qld Skills Focus Hub
Through the Queensland Small Business Skills Hub small business owners, startups and their staff now have a great opportunity to access over 500 highly relevant online courses, ranging from a few minutes to an hour, for FREE until December 2020.
Presidents Report
To all members and businesses in Southport
For a limited time, the Southport Chamber are currently offering a year free membership. We encourage all businesses to sign up, and if you have already, encourage your neighbouring businesses and all businesses in your network to sign up for free membership of the Southport Chamber for a year.
Cr Brooke Patterson Division 6 June Report
Last week Council adopted its 2020-21 roads to recovery budget – a budget that lays out the City’s economic plan to recover from the global pandemic.
Institute of Glycomics - One of Australia's Flagship Biomedical Research Institutes
Australian research into the use of convalescent plasma in clinical trials for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 should be supported according to a leading immunologist from Griffith University’s Institute for Glycomics.
Professor Michael Good AO, a member of the National COVID-19 Health and Research Advisory Committee and chair of the working group on convalescent plasma therapy.
Queensland Government - Small Business COVID-19 Adaption Grant Program – Round 2
The objective of this program is to support small businesses subject to closure or highly impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) shutdown restrictions announced by the Queensland Government, to adapt and sustain their operations, and build resilience.
After Round 1 of the program was allocated very quickly, a second round has been announced and will be accepting applications from 1 July 2020.