Presidents update for September

We are pleased to confirm that our member numbers now exceed 180 businesses across Southport and the Gold Coast. We had a well attended and Covid safe Spring Business After Dark at our Corporate Sponsor the Southport Yacht Club on Thursday 24 September.

Corporate Sponsor Gold Coast Business Hub has expanded !

Exciting news Our Southport Gold Coast Business Hub has expanded . . .. . . . and now includes GCBizHub Flexible Offices. Our selection of 7 new, fully serviced offices can accommodate 1 person, 2 people or up to 4 people in one of the larger offices. This expansion has meant that we currently have 14 offices in our letting portfolio. Rates, sizes and availability of the offices is all detailed online at

Gold Coast September Quarter Pulse Survey

The CCIQ Suncorp Pulse Survey of Gold Coast business conditions for the September 2020 quarter is now open. We need your feedback about what's impacting your business today, and what will influence your decision-making over the next three months.

Recovery Gold Coast - Business and Jobs Expo

The 2020 Business Expo is back and you can book your attendance tickets now on-line * Meet local business owners for sales leads * Connect with Confidence - Covid 19 Safe * Attend 13 business + jobs workshops * Support local Gold Coast business - we need you

IR Alert - Wage Underpayment Punishable By Jail Time

CCIQ Update - In the last sitting before the election, the Palaszczuk Government yesterday passed legislation making it a criminal offence for employers to knowingly underpay their staff. Directors and business owners can face jail time.

Today the Treasurer delivered the Mid-year Economic Review

Today’s Mid-Year Economic Financial Review contains tangible support for small business said the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland (CCIQ). The COVID-19 Fiscal and Economic Review provides an update on Queensland’s economic and fiscal estimates over 2019-20 and 2020-21 that incorporate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic to date. The report also outlines the Queensland Government’s economic strategy that builds on the Unite and Recover:

Our valued corporate members

Our corporate members are highly valued for their contribution to the Southport Chamber.

Gold Coast Business Hub Your Resourcing Group

Our valued gold members

These members are highly valued for their contribution to the Southport Chamber.

Enterprise & Training Company Feddersen Consulting Group State Member for Southport Australia Fair (YFG Shopping Centres Pty Ltd) White Lady Funerals Experience Gold Coast