Presidents update for October

Most Business Members should have received their Membership Certificates by email. Please proudly display them at your premises and encourage other businesses to join the Southport Chamber.

Join other members and guests for our Special Melbourne Cup 2020 Business Breakfast at the Southport Golf Club - 3 Nov 2020 6:30 AM - 8:30 AM. Show your colours and dress up and for a bit of extra fun.

Cr Brooke Patterson Division 6 -October update Report


We are now at Stage 3 for the Southport CBD. First stage was ‘Clean and Safe CBD’. Over the past five months our disciplined effort has led to sustainable results in reducing homelessness and anti-social behaviour. I am grateful to the police and the Department of Housing for partnering with us on this. I am pleased with what we have achieved to date and you have my word to maintain focus on this fundamental matter for our CBD.

CCIQ advocacy update- Is small business a big deal to the major parties?

CCIQ advocacy update- Is small business a big deal to the major parties? As we’ve mentioned, before the 2020 election campaign we wrote to all candidates asking how they’ll commit to our election priorities.

Pulse Results are In

The latest Suncorp-CCIQ Pulse Survey of Business Conditions, a quarterly survey conducted to give a snapshot of business conditions in Queensland, found that while the momentum of recovery continued, the economy is stalled due to ongoing restrictions

Meet the Candidates Southport - Rob Molhoek MP

Elected in 2012, Rob is the current State Member for Southport and the Chief Opposition Whip in the Queensland Parliament. Born in Southport, Rob grew up here, went to school in Southport and has raised his family here. As a father of four grown-up sons he understands only too well the challenges families face.

Meet the Candidates Southport - Susie Gallagher

Susie and her family have lived, studied, built businesses and have been an integral part of the Southport community all their lives.  Her father, the legendary Peter Gallagher, captained the Kangaroos Rugby League team and was an esteemed member of the local community being (among other things) a driving force behind the Magic Millions Racing Carnival and serving as the Chairman until his death and the Vice-Chairman for 10 years prior to that at the Gold Coast Turf Club.

The Qld State Election campaign in full swing

There’s been a lot of talk lately about small businesses and its importance to communities and the economy, but now with the election weeks away, all political parties need to show how they plan to back your success. We’ve developed our 2020 Election Priorities focusing on the vital support you need now, but also on what needs to be invested in to generate and sustain businesses into the future.

Our valued corporate members

Our corporate members are highly valued for their contribution to the Southport Chamber.

Your Resourcing Group Gold Coast Business Hub

Our valued gold members

These members are highly valued for their contribution to the Southport Chamber.

Enterprise & Training Company State Member for Southport Feddersen Consulting Group Australia Fair (YFG Shopping Centres Pty Ltd) White Lady Funerals Experience Gold Coast