Part Funded Expo Stands – Business and Jobs Expo

Our “Road to Recovery” Business and Jobs Expo will help businesses recover as well as provide pathways for people who need to redirect into new training and employment opportunities.

It is exciting to see that the Gold Coast Business and Jobs Expo will connect 200 exhibitors to 2000 local business professionals.

Gold Coast – 15 October, Carrara Indoor Sports Stadium, 10am to 4pm.

Treasury’s announcement on 21 July 2020 for JobKeeper 2.0

For millions of Australians and businesses large and small, the Government’s JobKeeper 2.0 is bigger than the annual Federal Budget. The nation’s strong balance sheet is literally propping up livelihoods and keeping businesses open. So what now?

Government’s Energy Efficient Communities program - Grants and Programs

Small businesses across Moncrieff can now apply for a grant that will support them to make their energy use more efficient and to reduce their power bills through the Government’s Energy Efficient Communities program.

Presidents Report and Welcome

To all new members including Business Members, Gold Members and Corporate Sponsors.

We thank you for joining the oldest Chamber on the Gold Coast and the Chamber for the official CBD of the Gold Coast.

Cr Brooke Patterson Division 6 - July update Report


I am pleased to inform you that Council unanimously voted in favour of my request for a proper, formalised approach to homelessness.

Southport Chamber Extend offer free Annual Memberships to help local businesses navigate recession

Offer Extended - In a city first, the Southport Chamber of Commerce have launched a new initiative to help Gold Coast businesses on their road to recovery over the next 12 months.

The initiative will see annual membership fees waived for new and existing businesses who join the Southport Chamber before 30th September 2020

This initiative is open to all Gold Coast businesses, no matter what industry or size, with a focus on those trading within Southport and it’s surrounds.

Qld Small Business Skills Hub and the Qld Skills Focus Hub

Through the Queensland Small Business Skills Hub small business owners, startups and their staff now have a great opportunity to access over 500 highly relevant online courses, ranging from a few minutes to an hour, for FREE until December 2020.

Our valued corporate members

Our corporate members are highly valued for their contribution to the Southport Chamber.

Your Resourcing Group Gold Coast Business Hub

Our valued gold members

These members are highly valued for their contribution to the Southport Chamber.

Australia Fair (YFG Shopping Centres Pty Ltd) Feddersen Consulting Group State Member for Southport Enterprise & Training Company White Lady Funerals Experience Gold Coast