Presidents update for January 2021

Your board had its first meeting of the year and we have a strong team of 10 continuing board members all with varying experience in business in and around Southport. We have set goals for this year including continuing to grow our member base, holding a range of events for the enjoyment and education of our members, providing our members with support and information as small business navigates its way through the impacts of this pandemic

Cr Brooke Patterson Division 6 - January update Report


CBD Update - With the safety of our CBD now a consistent focus, and the Priority Development Area review underway, attention is now on my ‘Stage 3’ priority. This is the CBD commitment from the three tiers of government. Key recommendations will be presented to Council in the second half of this year regarding the local government commitment.

Rob Molhoek MP - Stop "Southport Bashing" January Update Report

Stop "Southport Bashing" Homelessness is a universal issue and city-wide challenge. Local Police, Council and community support organisations have made a huge impact these past few months in cleaning up our Southport CBD. Vacant Shopfronts can be found the length and breadth of our city. Retail has changed and Council needs to stop being so quick to approve new retail development.

Gold Coast December Quarter Pulse Survey

The CCIQ Pulse Survey of business conditions for the December 2020 quarter is now open. We need your feedback about what's impacting your business today, and what will influence your decision-making over the next three months.

Our valued corporate members

Our corporate members are highly valued for their contribution to the Southport Chamber.

Your Resourcing Group Gold Coast Business Hub

Our valued gold members

These members are highly valued for their contribution to the Southport Chamber.

Australia Fair (YFG Shopping Centres Pty Ltd) White Lady Funerals Feddersen Consulting Group Enterprise & Training Company State Member for Southport Experience Gold Coast